Monday, April 23, 2007

In Othello, most men in the play are warriors. They have been surrounded by the beastly and uncomprising atmosphere for a while. The play's events actually play out like a battle. Iago resembles a force that is coniving and pure evil, but appears good-hearted and wise. All of the characters become entranced by Iago's foul words and fight among themselves. Iago is an evil diplomat that plays "countries"' strengths against each other.
The warlike atmosphere creates more tension and stress than a calming environment would. This environment allows for Iago's lies and deceptions to hold more weight. Iago is thought to be wise, so he is trusted to be the most knowing on matters. Othello has duties that he must attend to, which allows for Iago to infiltrate Othello's thoughts with adultrey.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Acceptance in an Unexplicable and Real World

1. Fact: Milkman is not interested in current events and is more interested in parties.
2. Milk Man searches for power, pleasure, and meaning. He wants to be initiated into Guitar's community, but he still lives in what is known to him.
3. Milkman is on the archetypical hero's journey.
4. " Something was happening to Guitar, had aleady happened to him. He was constantl chafing Milkman about how he lived, and the conversation was just one more example of how he'd changed. No more could Milkman run up the stairs to his room to drag him off to a party or a bar" (Morrison 106).
5. Milkman's journey is a modernization of the classic greek journey.
6. Milkman is affected by the conventialism of the real world and Magic Realism. He has one leg shorter than the other, witnesses Ruth's interactions with the bulbs, and is attracted to Pilate's mysterious ways. However, he still interacts with the real world by working for his father's buisness and attending parties.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Love is better than a warm trombone.

Love is a powerful and confusing thing. It is neve fully understood when, why, or how it happends. Many people confuse other things with love because it is not as clear as other emotions. Love can hinder other senses and control them. Love makes situations less clear then they are.
Love is a truly personal thing that nobody else can empathze with you. Everyone's experience of it is truly different and unique. Which is the whole notion of love is flawed. It can make and break relationships. Love makes people blind. Some people want only to obtain it and nothing else. They will do anything just to get a response to their emotions, or do nothing and suffer. There are many other positive emotions and feelings that do not have the same power as love. Love really needs another to be experienced well. Happiness, for example, doesn't. Love almost affects all other emotions, which is why we confuse other feelings for it. It is not so easy to part with some love than it is to get over a bad day. Bad days are many and short-lived. Love is rare and a long-term affair. But is this the concept of love or the way we react to love?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

More Life, Please

I would choose to live a long uneventful life. Your life only happens once, and you only have on shot. This argument could be used in favor of a shorter, more exciting life that one would gain fame for. However, one would never get to experience this fame. They would just be dead. What would be the point of getting famous when you are not there to enjoy the fame? Who knows what happens when you die, but the most logical conclusion is you turn into dirt and your existence is gone. I wouldn't be affected in any way if I was famous after I died, it would be worthless. The most basic reason for life is to live and spread one's seed. However, we have created these ideas of fame and fortune that drive people to do whatever it takes to reach such objectives. If one is living for the purpose of getting a mention in a history book after death then living in the present, then the event that makes someone famous is the only satisfaction they will have. Fame is only a convention that society notices. there is no real difference between an average joe and someone who is insanely famous. Life is precious and sacred, it eventually runs dry. After the life there is the unknown. I would rather spend more time on this planet then gain Fame that lives one forever, because I would not be there to experience it. Also, with more life one would experience more. That itself would be more pleasurable then Fame that one will never taste or hear of. Experience is it's own little pleasure, one that builds on itself. Learning and having moments of clarity are a joy that one can experience, whereas fame after death is not.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Intangible Tangibles

Music Player
Flip Flops
Drink Cozy
A Spork
1 Pack of Chewing Gum
Turkish Lira